Tenant Background Checks

TBC can help you select prompt-paying, desirable Tenants or Roommates, who do not have a history of evictions or midnight moves. Our Tenant Background Checks are an excellent indicator of the prospective Tenants' or Roommates' ability and dedication to paying their bills in a timely manner.
Our Tenant Background Checks are 100% FREE, for Landlords, Property Managers, and Leasing Agents. YES, absolutely FREE. The applicant pays for the screening process, which includes: SSN Verification, Address History Search, Civil Judgment Search, Bankruptcy Search, Eviction Search, Nationwide Criminal Record Search, Sex Offender Search, and Employment Verification. Applicant(s) will be required to complete a consent form, used to conduct the screenings. Applicants then pay online through our secure payment gateway, with a credit or debit card.
Know A Little - $50
* SSN Verification
* Known Aliases
* OFAC/Patriot Act Search
* Past Address History
* Nationwide Criminal Record Search
Know A Lot - $75
* SSN Verification
* Known Aliases
* OFAC/Patriot Act Search
* Past Address History
* Nationwide Criminal Record Search
* National Sex Offender Search
* National Eviction Search
Know It All - $125
* SSN Verification
* Known Aliases
* OFAC/Patriot Act Search
* Past Address History
* Nationwide Criminal Record Search
* National Sex Offender Search
* National Eviction Search
* Foreclosures
* Medical Collections
* Financial Worthy Search
(Bankruptcies, Tax Liens, Judgments)
No obligation / No cost to try / No hassles

Private Investigators are licensed by the state to gather information and engage in surveillance. Private Investigators understand what is permitted under state law. If the potential for legal proceedings exists (e.g., divorce, child custody, alimony, etc.), hiring a Private Investigator can help minimize your risk. Many people have obtained useful information about a spouse on their own but were unable to use the information because of how it was obtained. Not only does hiring a Private Investigator help to minimize the risk of information being thrown out during legal procedures, but in most cases, PIs are allowed to testify on your behalf. And if negative information about your spouse is going to come out, it is usually beneficial to have a third party present the information - it will seem less biased and more credible.
Private Investigators are also better at collecting information because of their training, experience, and their lack of emotional involvement. Many people who try to catch a cheating spouse on their own, have a difficult time knowing what to look for or they become too upset while the process unfolds. Rollie McCarter Investigative Services has heard from many people who have wasted months of their time trying to figure out if their spouse is cheating but were unable to do so because they lack the investigative skills and tools which are needed. And people also tend to become too emotionally volatile when investigating their own spouse. People have a difficult time NOT confronting their spouse before they discover the full extent of the betrayal that occurred. Private Investigators simply have the added advantage of knowing how to investigate a spouse in a more objective manner.

In today's world of technology, text/email has quickly overtaken the printed letter as our primary source of communication in our business and personal lives. However, as with most things technology-related, such convenience usually comes with its hazards. While most people use text/email for its intended purpose, others use this medium for a completely different goal ... Anonymous Threats, Internet Auction fraud, Unsolicited Commercial Messages, Blackmail, and even Ransom Notes are sent via email every day! Rollie McCarter Investigative Services - specializes in the investigation of these types of activities, in particular, the tracing of email addresses to the actual name and address of the owner of the Email Address or Screen Name, as well as the exact location of where an email originated from.

You are probably reading this because you have already made up your mind about a background check. But, if you are still in two minds, let us make it clear to you... If Companies can conduct detailed background verifications on an employee before they hire her/him for a job from which they can be fired at any time, shouldn't you do the same for someone who you are embracing into your inner circle and whom you cannot fire so easily? One can never be too sure of the background of the "NEW" girlfriend/boyfriend, and what she/he claims. What looks shiny, promising, and glittering on the surface, may hide a web of deceit and illusions underneath.
We examine the following:

Our team is made up of highly trained and certified professionals, researchers, and agents, who deliver results by conducting thorough investigations. We do not rely on database searches that can return inaccurate and outdated results, instead, we obtain "LIVE" information and records from county courthouses.
Whether it's for pre-employment screening, tenant screening, due diligence, or a must needed comprehensive background report, we are 100% committed to providing each of our clients with the most accurate and up-to-date information available so that you can make the best decision for your business or personal needs.
This information shall not be used UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES in connection with any purpose described under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Rollie McCarter Investigative Services and their agents, are not a "consumer reporting agency" as defined by the FCRA and these results do not constitute a "consumer report", as defined by the FCRA. These results shall not be used in whole or in part in connection with determining a person's suitability for credit or collections, or eligibility for insurance, employment, or any other purposes under the FCRA. The user of these results agrees to assume full legal liability and all related costs for any violation of this notice.
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